Last night on the Channel 4 News there was a story about an amazingly stupid Ministry of Defence (MoD) screw-up. About a year ago a British soldier was killed in action in Afghanistan. This week his family got a hand-delivered letter from the MoD informing them that the final settlement of his pay had been incorrect and they were deducting £433.13. And thirteen pence!!!
It turns out that he poor guy died ten days before the end of the month and therefore he didn’t earn all of his vacation pay for that year. Hence the error!
The MoD has since apologized to the family for “… any distress caused.” They also helpfully pointed out that this sort of adjustment was routine for dead soldiers. The insensitivity of the letter and the “apology” are dreadful and the public relations consequences are appalling, but the financial impact should also be examined.
From the government’s point-of-view they were able to claw back £433.13. As they are constantly reminding us, these are difficult times, the country’s debts must be paid off and we’re all in this together, even the parents of dead soldiers. On the other hand, I wonder how much it costs to hand deliver a letter from the MoD in London to a bereaved family in Lancashire. I’ll bet it cost more than £400. I’m also curious about the cost of the MoD’s PR consultants’ fees to deal with the media for this incident. I’ll bet that was a LOT more than £400. My guess is that the government has incurred a serious net loss on this transaction. Oh well, we’re all in this together, even the MoD.
By the way, the Minister of Defence had to resign a few days ago for violating the Ministerial Code.