One of the regulars at the Ebrington Arms was a wonderful old guy named Tim. Tim had lived his whole life in the village and had spent his working life on the farms in the immediate area. One evening he was telling me about the village when he was a young man, Just after the Second World War, there was gas generating plant for the village where the cricket ground is now.
Tim went on to tell me about the arrival of electricity in Ebrington. The first house to have this new luxury was the manor house of Lord Ebrington. By dint of stringing a cable from the manor house to the pub, the Ebrington Arms became the second house in the village to get electric lights. This happened in 1949.
I was born in Indiana in 1941 and have never lived in a house without electricity.
I have a friend who grew up in the county where I live now. He's about 50. They didn't have indoor plumbing in his house until he was 8 years old (approx. 1961).